Motivated Sellers – The Key to BuyingProperties that Profit!

Niches That Bring you Riches

In my previous blog post, found here, you learned 10 strategies referred to as Roads that you want to consider in your real estate investing trek.

Next Steps….

Now, in addition to these strategies, you will need to consider the type of properties you want to go after, developing a marketing strategy to find motivated sellers of properties.  The following is a short list of types of real estate you can buy…

There are basically three types of investment properties to consider:

  1. Vacant Land – Land that has not yet been developed
  2. Residential –
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Top 10 Marketing Strategies forReal Estate Investors Part 1:Aim – Ready – Fire – Talley the Score!

Quote of the Day:

“Without promotion something terrible happens… Nothing!”

P.T. Barnum

In order for you to make money as a Real Estate investor you need your phone ringing off the hook (or your inbox full of leads), each and every day so that you can make offers for properties and cater your offers to your buyers. The great thing is these Motivated Sellers and buyers with cash in their bank accounts are actually looking for you because you can provide solutions to their problems.

But guess what typically happens… They can’t find you. Why? Because You’re not marketing yourself. … Read the rest