Avoid Foreclosure: Option 9 – RE-AMORTIZATION


Definition: The delinquency is added to the loan balance in order to bring your payments up to date. Adding past due loan amounts to your current loan balance increases your loan balance and will also increase your monthly payments. The amount of the payment increase will be smaller if the life of your loan is extended at the same time as well. This is a good option if the reason for your mortgage default was temporary and your future income will support the new payment.

Go here for more Foreclosure CoachingRead the rest

The Bush administration announced a plan to help struggling homeowners avoid losing their homes to foreclosure effective this past Tuesday.

The Bush administration announced a plan to help struggling homeowners avoid losing their homes to foreclosure effective this past Tuesday.

The other night, Virginia from Irving Texas asked on this weeks Massive Profits in Foreclosures call “ Will this change the landscape for investors working with those in Foreclosure?”

The Answer is YES- – -for the better.

You be the good person to help the homeowner make sure they have evaluated all their options.

These are two ways you can help the homeowner take action before foreclosure:

#1 Learn and share all options available to the homeowner if they do Read the rest

Avoid Foreclosure: Option 1- PAY THE DELINQUENCY


Definition: Use personal assets to pay what is past due to get your home out
of foreclosure.

Under most circumstances, loan holders are required to accept payment of
the full delinquency and reinstate the loan even after foreclosure proceedings
have begun. Keep in mind, the delinquency may include certain legal costs
since you are already in foreclosure. Many holders require certified funds for
reinstatement. Some assets to consider would be to utilize your 401K, the
“Friend asset”, (borrow from friends and family), sell some assets, borrow
against assets, use lines of credit and credit cards.… Read the rest