Motivated Sellers – The Key to BuyingProperties that Profit!

Niches That Bring you Riches

In my previous blog post, found here, you learned 10 strategies referred to as Roads that you want to consider in your real estate investing trek.

Next Steps….

Now, in addition to these strategies, you will need to consider the type of properties you want to go after, developing a marketing strategy to find motivated sellers of properties.  The following is a short list of types of real estate you can buy…

There are basically three types of investment properties to consider:

  1. Vacant Land – Land that has not yet been developed
  2. Residential –
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10 Roads to Real Estate Investing Profits

Road to opportunity“Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.”
The Bible – Ecclesiastes 11:2

This is good advice as long as you don’t get so spread out that you are doing too many things but nothing with success. It’s important we understand the fine line between focusing on one niche without putting all your eggs in one basket, (so to speak).

To simplify the term real estate investing, there are really only three ways for investors to make money in real estate:

  1. Real Estate Appreciation and Equity
  2. Cash
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Land Flipping Vs House FlippingWhat’s the Difference?

I have been buying and selling residential real estate as a real estate investor for almost 7 years now. I have looked at just about every avenue of real estate investing from Pre-construction, Assignments, Tax liens, Rehab, Probate, Bankruptcies, Pre-foreclosures and short sales, Foreclosures and REOs, Landlords and FSBO’s. I have profited from and am a trainer and coach now for literally all of these strategies.

However, lately I have learned about a twist to an old strategy I had never done. Buying land and re-selling it via owner financing for a monthly profit and eventually a flip this property Read the rest